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Our Wins

I AM INVISIBLE film festival


 We made a mini-docu dama about how we,  a team of PWDs(people with disabilities) & people  from marginalized backgrounds, came together to make the feature movie, The Damned Ones,. On November 5th 2023,  the docu-drama received an award from Louise Ng, the Nee Soon GRC MP. The docu-drama titled We Are Invincible had been submitted to the IAMinVISIBLE festival which was organized by the IAMinVISIBLE social initiative's founder NingPei Chua.


 Pokka Film Festival & invitation to director's panel 


On December 2023, our mini-docu drama about the making of the feature film  won the third prize in the Pokka Film Festival which was co-organised by Singapore Film Commission. This time the story was told from the POV of Michael who has ADHD and was the assistant director of the feature film. As the director of the film, I was invited on a panel to discuss my films. 


 Featured in Tabla




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